How Screening in Salesforce Works

Results Delivered in Real Time

Highly-Efficient and Cost-Effective Export Compliance in Salesforce

Screening plugged into your business systems to ensure consistent and reliable denied party screening, regardless of the system or number of daily transactions.

Whether you prefer to install a managed package or use an API, integrating screening with Salesforce is straightforward and easy to use.

See Salesforce Sanction Screening in action. Request a Demo.

How Integrated Screening with Salesforce Works

Designed to easily integrate with Salesforce without modifying existing workflows or devoting additional resources. Descartes Denied Party Screening allows users to achieve export compliance with reliable, proactive screening and real time alerts for immediate intervention—automatically screening entries against government maintained restricted and denied party lists, regardless of the number of daily transactions completed.

Automatically search restricted and denied parties lists in Salesforce today

Global Sanction Screening and Salesforce CRM
The Benefits of Screening in Salesforce
Salesforce Denied Party Screening Resource Center