Vores kunder
Kunder i forskellige brancher, i Norden og Europa, deler, hvordan de forbedrer både kundeoplevelsen og logistik- og forsyningskæden ved hjælp af løsninger fra Descartes.
Chips Go Here
In 1981 startte Roerink Food Family met de lokale verkoop van zuivelproducten vanaf de boerderij en groeide uit tot een familiebedrijf met een passie voor ambachtelijke zuivelproducten. Vanaf 2004 is Roerink Food Family begonnen met verkopen via de...
Mastering Peak Season Logistics with Descartes pixi* WMS MASKWORLD, Germany’s leading ecommerce vendor of costumes and disguises, peak season logistics challenges and fluctuations in orders from its global customer base. To meet the demands of...
Simplifying Global Purchasing, Inbound Visibility, and E-invoicing Compliance with Descartes EZ Collaboration The pace of change in today’s worldwide healthcare environment is rapid, and the mandate to provide better outcomes for people has never...
Wehkamp EDI enables drop shipments
Rittenoptimalisatie-oplossing van Descartes verbetert de klanttevredenheid en verhoogt de efficiency van planners en administratie Het planningssysteem van Descartes berekent een adviesroute op basis van data die per winkel worden ingevoerd. Door het...
Descartes Transportation Manager™ solution has helped Signify to decrease costs with 4PL partners, achieve a higher level of control with less time needed by order desk staff, reduce the number of IT systems in use and increase the overall visibility...
Hoe een nieuw product snel en gemakkelijk bij retailers in het schap komt! Na de training zijn we aan de slag gegaan. Al heel gauw gaat Go-webEDI voor je werken – alles gaat veel sneller en efficienter. - Willem, mede-eigenaar Leentjes In 2017 kwam...
Meer samenwerking in de keten en procesoptimalisatie dankzij deelname aan CORE-project We hebben veel praktische ervaring opgedaan, veel contacten gelegd en duurzame procesverbeteringen doorgevoerd met groot besparings-potentieel. We blijven verder...
The BlueGrace drive to meet freight visibility requirements from shippers in different industries has spurred a 95% Descartes MacroPoint adoption rate among carriers, new freight hauling opportunities, and rapid expansion of the new expedited freight...
As the asset-based 3PL broker division of Covenant Transport, Covenant Transport Solutions is committed to the dual goal of satisfying customer demands for greater supply chain visibility and growing the business from $89 million to $175 million in...
To better prepare U.S. exporters to succeed in international markets, the U.S. Commercial Service (CS) is using the Descartes Datamyne™ global trade data solution to produce in-depth market research.
By using a single platform for more frequent and detailed automatic updates on load status, including in-transit updates and arrivals/departures at pick-up/destination locations, Atlantic has enhanced overall supply chain communication and...
Customer Success: Redcat Racing Our distribution channels have expanded dramatically, and we could not have handled the growth or huge seasonal spikes without the right technologies. While the mix and complexity of orders varies greatly, the combined...
As specialists in providing global trade compliance managed services programs to the fortune 100 and other trade compliance conscious companies, Vigilant relies on Descartes’ advanced global trade management software to ensure clients’ compliance...
As McCombs Supply Co. grew from a small TV repair business in 1953 to a thriving online replacement repair parts business, increasing order volumes were causing a shipping bottleneck and hindering growth. The company replaced its inefficient and time...
Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG), een van de grootste tabaksproducenten ter wereld met 17 kantoren en afzetmarkten in meer dan honderd landen moet kunnen vertrouwen op foutloos EDI-berichtenverkeer.
With the aim of streamlining its transportation and logistics services to efficiently move grain, food and fuel around the globe, Gavilon implemented the Descartes B2B EZE Collaboration solution. By standardizing and automating EDI messages, Gavilon...
Descartes’ B2B Messaging Solution Helps to Bring Value-added Services to Logistics Supply Chain Müller Fresh Food Logistics is a family-owned business that specializes in conditioned warehousing and food distribution. Transport and distribution are...
Vedum Kök och Bad är ett familjeägt företag som startades 1919 av Viktor Lindberg. Sedan dess har företaget utvecklat, producerat och sålt inredningar för kök, bad, förvaring och tvättstugor. Familjen drev företaget i tre generationer innan det 2005...
Caleres, Inc., a global footwear company, required an efficient and cost-effective transportation solution to service its growing business of more than 1,200 retail stores in North America. For more parcel-like control of freight shipped in LTL...
Hi-Fi Klubben
Audionord International og HiFi Klubben vil automatisere toldbehandling med GCT.
Scandinavian Tobacco Group
Descartes toldløsning skal gøre Scandinavian Tobacco Group Assens A/S mere effektive.
SIG plc, har implementeret Descartes omfattende løsning til last-mile-levering, inklusive løsninger til ruteplanlægning, eksekvering og elektronisk leveringsbevis (ePOD)
Iceland Post
Iceland Post flytter sit hovedfokus fra postlevering til pakkeleveringer med støtte fra strategisk ruteplanlægning fra Descartes.
STARK GROUP, Nordens største forhandler og distributør af byggematerialer, har fuldt fokus på just in time leverancer til kunderne.
Brav Norway
Brav Norway (tidligere Swix) distribuerer til hele verden. Dette løses gennem en fuldt integreret løsning fra Descartes.
DB Schenker
DB Schenker vælger Descartes til mere effektiv toldhåndtering og forbedret kundetilbud.
STARK GROUP vælger skybaseret ruteplanlægning for de svenske, norske og finske operationer.
Hallands Hamnar
Halland Hamnar forenkler og automatiserer sin toldbehandling med en skybaseret løsning.
Martin & Servera
Martin & Servera indfører strategisk ruteplanlægning for optimerede transporter.
Pågen tager et stort skridt på vejen mod at blive endnu mere klimasmart i sine transporter.
Polarbrød får fortsat kontrol over sin eksport efter mere end 15 års brug af Descartes toldsystem.
Nordens førende logistikleverandør PostNord vælger Descartes komplette løsning til sit nye toldsystem.
Med GCT vil Nexans Sweden AB have hurtig og effektiv kommunikation med toldmyndigheder og transportører.
Jackon vælger skybaseret toldklarering fra Descartes for fuld kontrol over import- og eksportangivelser.
Kronos Titan AS får fuld kontrol over sin eksport med skybasert tjeneste fra Descartes.
Franske Agediss har optimeret sine leverancer af møbler og voluminøse produkter med ruteplanlægningssystemet WinRoute.
Thiry Gent
Thiry Gents har fokuseret på at forbedre sine ruter til levering af frugt og grøntsager til sine kunder i Belgien.
Mere om vores kunder
Vores kunders succes betyder meget for os. Derfor vil vi gerne dele nyheden, der fortæller om de fordele og besparelser, som vores kunder har modtaget ved hjælp af vores forskellige løsninger. Læs mere om vores kunder over hele verden under General News.