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Chips Go Here
Les systèmes de gestion du transport (TMS) permettent de maîtriser la chaîne logistique. Ces logiciels permettent d’obtenir des informations concernant les flux de transport, les heures d’arrivée prévues, les performances de transport et les frais...
Verwachten verschillende leeftijdsgroepen dezelfde bezorgervaring? Uit recent onderzoek van 2023 uitgevoerd door Descartes, onder meer dan 8.000 consumenten in Europa en Noord-Amerika, blijkt dat de generatie waar consumenten toe behoren van invloed is op hun voorkeur als het gaat om thuisbezorging.
Ett Transport Management System (TMS) är en plattform som stöder företagens planering, exekvering och optimering av fysiska förflyttningar av varor.
La guerra en Ucrania y la importación de fertilizantes En febrero de 2023, la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia completó un año. Además de dejar millares de muertes y personas sin hogar, el conflicto también causa un gran impacto internacional, puesto que...
Een transportmanagementsysteem (TMS) is een softwareplatform dat bedrijven ondersteunt bij het plannen, uitvoeren en optimaliseren van de fysieke bewegingen van goederen, zowel inkomend als uitgaand. Een transportmanagementsysteem zorgt er ook voor...
A transportation management system (TMS) is a software platform that supports businesses to plan, execute and optimize the physical movements of goods, both incoming and outgoing.
How a TMS helps you make more sustainable transport choices
When it comes to customs and regulatory compliance in the United Kingdom, the role of the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is pivotal.
Although it has long been said that we need flexibility to respond to change, the past years this repeatedly became a reality. Retailers were forced to be creative, set up pick-up points, sell (more) online, and move quickly whenever the rules...
The solution gives Autoglass the power to trigger SMS messages to customers, updating them on the ETA of their technician.
A transport management system (TMS) is the best way to keep a grip on the logistics chain. The software provides information on transport flows, expected arrival times (ETAs), transport performance, and logistics costs. More comprehensive versions of...
Is your company ready for the next steps in digital transformation? Then it might be worth your while to check out Transportation Management Software (TMS). This software solution helps manage your transport in the best possible way, but it goes...
Aplicación para conductores: conozca las soluciones de tecnología Los conductores son los profesionales responsables de una parte fundamental del proceso logístico. En realidad, ellos recorren carreteras y ciudades con los encargos de los...
2PL: conozca más de este proceso logístico Debido a la alta demanda en el mundo logístico, las empresas no encontraron un auxilio solamente en la automatización, sino también en la subcontratación, sea del transporte de productos o de materia prima...
Aplicativo para motorista: conheça as soluções de tecnologia Os motoristas são os profissionais responsáveis por uma parte fundamental do processo logístico. Afinal, eles atravessam as estradas e cidades com as encomendas dos consumidores. E neste...
Guerra na Ucrânia e a importação de fertilizantes Em fevereiro de 2023 a guerra entre Ucrânia e Rússia completou um ano. Além de milhares de pessoas mortas e desabrigadas, o conflito causa também um grande impacto internacional, já que os dois países...
2PL: fique por dentro deste processo logístico Devido à alta de demanda no mundo logístico, as empresas não encontraram um auxílio somente na automação, mas também na terceirização, seja do transporte de produtos ou de matéria-prima. Tal processo é...
Watford rolled out real-time operative tracking, allowing a faster and more flexible repairs process for both residents and repairs professionals.
ATLANTA, Georgia, August 9, 2023 – Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, released its August Global Shipping Report for logistics and supply chain professionals. In...
In July 2023, U.S. container import volume increased compared to June 2023, which is consistent with the rise that occurs in peak season in non-pandemic years. Despite the volume increase, port transit times remained close to their lowest levels...