Anti-Corruption Compliance

Avoid potential conflicts of interest and allegations of corruption

No one wants to be accused of attempting to influence government officials with financial incentives or enabling illegal activity by allowing bribery or money laundering to occur right under your nose.

Screening for Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and their relatives helps avoid any appearance of impropriety in business dealings.

In addition to establishing the need to identify Politically Exposed Persons, Anti-Money Laundering regulations stipulate relatives or close associates of PEPs should be monitored. Screening for PEPs and their relatives or close associates is yet another important tool in your Risk Management Program, whether it’s helping you avoid any appearance of impropriety in your dealings with PEPs, or in your decision to stop doing business with them altogether.

Enhanced Compliance
Screen names against dozens of Denied Parties Lists simultaneously, including lists of Politically Exposed Persons, and return instantaneous results.
Identify PEPs and Close Associates
The solution contains identities of senior ranking public officials, including government officials and politicians, as well as their relatives or close associates.*
Curated and Vetted for Quality
Search for PEPs using renowned business information and research that has been thoroughly vetted by knowledgeable expert analysts located around the globe.
Built-in Recordkeeping and Audit Trail
Descartes Enhanced Risk Management solutions provide a full range of audit recording and due diligence that automatically record screening details and allow users to easily demonstrate their compliance activities.

* Relatives include wife, husband, siblings, children, parents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins, step-children, etc. Close associates are people who have a close business or personal relationship with a PEP.