Descartes in the News

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Cargo Newswire shares that transportation and warehouse operations are the areas most challenged by resource shortages, and that 55% of supply chain and logistics leaders find knowledge workers the hardest positions to fill, according to new report from Descartes.
CBJ covers Descartes’ report on labor shortages, which revealed that 55% of supply chain and logistics leaders said knowledge workers are the hardest to hire—and they are becoming increasingly important as supply chain and logistics become more technology-enabled and data-driven.
BNN Breaking covers Descartes’ recent labor study, which revealed 37% of the supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed were facing high to extreme resource shortages, especially in their transportation and warehouse operations, and that shortages are negatively affecting customer service performance, as reported by 58% of respondents.
Supply Chain Dive on key findings from Descartes’ labor study, including that 76% of the supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed are experiencing notable workforce shortages in their operations, and that 58% said resource constraints have also negatively impacted customer service.