Corporate Governance
Click on any of the items below to learn more about how Descartes is governed and to view or download the documents pertaining to corporate governance.
Articles of Amalgamation
Descartes is constituted under the Articles of Amalgamation dated March 31, 2021.
Descartes has adopted a general operating by-law dated May 30, 2013.
Board Mandate
Our Board of Directors has adopted a written Board Mandate to guide it in discharging its duties and responsibilities.
Chair of the Board - Position Description
Our Board of Directors has adopted a formal position description for its chair.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics has been adopted by our Board of Directors to summarize the standards of business conduct that must guide our actions.
Anti-Corruption Policy
Our Board of Directors has adopted a written Board Mandate to guide it in discharging its duties and responsibilities.
Committees of the Board
Descartes' Board of Directors maintains four committees to assist it in discharging its oversight responsibilities and each of these committees has adopted a committee charter which is reviewed annually.
Descartes' management team is comprised of experienced logistics operators that specialize in operations, technology, marketing and sales.
Policy on Engagement with Shareholders
Descartes' Board of Directors has adopted a Policy on Engagement with Shareholders that is intended to facilitate regular and constructive engagement with shareholders.
Shareholder Rights Plan
The Shareholder Rights Plan is designed to assist the board in ensuring the fair and equal treatment of all shareholders.
Advance Notice Policy
Descartes' by-laws provide for advance notice of nominations of Directors.
Whistle Blower Policy
Our Board of Directors has adopted a Whistle Blower Policy