Descartes in the News

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Logistics Management shares insights from Descartes’ latest global shipping report, showing March was a strong month for U.S. container import volumes despite declining import volumes from China. Port transit delays also showed continued improvement across nearly all the top ports, even given disruptions associated with the Panama drought and the Middle East conflict.
American Journal of Transportation on Descartes’ acquisition of OCR, which specializes in solutions and content for export compliance and controlled commodities, helping customers streamline denied party screening, license procurement/management, and product classification.
American Journal of Transportation on how Wren Kitchens is using Descartes’ dynamic appointment scheduling and route optimization solution to help surveyors complete 56% more visits to customers and save the company £2 million annually.
gCaptain shares global shipping insights from Descartes’ April report, showing U.S. container import volumes increased 0.4% from February and jumped 15.7% when compared to the same month last year, indicating exceptional growth when considering the impact of the Chinese Lunar New Year on the second half of March.
Global Trade Magazine shares how Wren Kitchens implemented Descartes’ dynamic appointment scheduling and route optimization tool to efficiently manage appointment booking for surveyor visits to customers, saving the company £2 million annually.