Descartes in the News

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American Shipper’s article The Weight of Uncertainty clarifies what the SOLAS verified gross mass container weight regulation broadly mandates, and touches on the specific uncertainties that the NVO industry and other service providers are left to grapple with before the legislation comes into effect on July 1. Descartes’ Eric Geerts emphasized the need for greater awareness of the regulation given the fast-approaching deadline, and explained how technology is helping NVOs and forwarders to comply by transmitting the required verified weight data elements in the right format, at the right time. Read the article on American Shipper’s website.Download .PDF - The Weight of Uncertainty (1.36 MB)

Eric Johnson's article in American Shipper, Access Denied, speaks to how automated denied party screening software can help U.S. exporters avoid painful non-compliance penalties when dealing with people, companies, organizations, or countries on the

Descartes’ Ken Woods describes the cost savings and customer experience benefits of going paperless with fleet operations in the article “The Reality of Going Paperless” featured in Logistics & Transport Focus, a publication of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.