Descartes Acquires Compudata Descartes has acquired Compudata, a leading provider of B2B supply chain integration and e-invoicing solutions based in Switzerland.  Compudata delivered B2B supply chain integration services to retailers, suppliers, pharmaceutical firms, and financial institutions. In addition to infrastructure solutions and its managed services platform (B2BNet), Compudata offered sophisticated e-invoicing, archiving, and message routing solutions. Descartes has added Compudata’s products and services to Descartes’ logistics management applications.

Descartes ensures effi cient and innovative e-business and integration solutions by adding value to data integration. The B2Bnet is the largest, sector-independent
B2B platform for managed services in Switzerland. All services and solutions are developed and managed by a local team of specialists. Electronic Invoicing, Buyer and Vendor Managed Inventory (BMI/VMI), payment order reconciliation, logistics processes, electronically controlled archiving, scanning, workfl ow and auditing – a small selection of our solutions. 

The use of electronically controlled business processes is expanding in all sectors of the economy. Paper belongs to the past. Many mistakes occur due to manual input. Substituting this for electronically controlled processes can accelerate payment processing. An automated data fl ow is mandatory for an effi cient and economic production of goods, logistics and financial transactions.

Descartes also offers solutions for transportation managementcustomsrouting and broker/forwarder.

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