Safety, Compliance & Telematics

Drive Value with ELDs
Hours of Service Rules and the US ELD Mandate – Don’t just comply, use it to improve safety and operate more efficiently
Customer Success: SRS Distribution
SRS Distribution automated its Driver Hours of Service (HOS) reporting with Descartes’ telematics solution
Live Graphic: Real-time Telematics
Intelligent Monitoring & Predictive Alerts with Real-time Telematics

Establish a Strong Safety Culture, Maximize Driver and Vehicle Performance, and Keep Compliant

Integrated driver safety training, telematics, vehicle inspection, and regulatory reporting, including ELD, HOS, IFTA, DVIR and EU Working Time Directive. 

Safety Training
Optimize fleet safety training with driver app-integrated microlearning that enhances driver safety and productivity and provides a training dashboard for fleet managers.
Hours of Service (HOS) Reporting
Meet regulatory compliance requirements through automated driver hours of service (HOS) tracking and reporting. 
eDVIR Reporting
Help ensure safe vehicle operations, identify maintenance issues, and minimize liability with easy-to-complete digital Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports.
Reactive Driver Coaching
Track actual driver behavior and serve coaching to reinforce safe and more productive driving practices.
Telematics for Fleet
Capture driver and vehicle events to better manage driver and vehicle performance and help ensure compliance.
VEDR System
The video event data recorder (VEDR) system captures what’s happening on the road and inside the cabin to help keep fleets safe and compliant. Plus, it’s fully integrated with reactive coaching to address unsafe driving behavior.

Integrated Solutions That Make It Easier to Help Keep Drivers Safe and Productive

Fleet Driver Safety Is a Growing Concern

Fleet safety is becoming increasingly important. Many accidents are caused by poor driver behavior. These events, which increase costs and negatively affect productivity and reputation, can be prevented by implementing an automated training solution. 

Descartes’ Safety Platform helps logistics providers execute safety training programs in a no-hassle way that fits into the driver’s daily work, tracks their understanding of that training, and helps establish and reinforce a culture of safety.  

Provide managers with a dashboard that gives them visibility to training progress and documents it for legal or regulatory purposes.  

Managing poor driver behavior

Comply with Regulations and Maximize Fleet Performance 

managing fleet vehicles with telematics and compliance solutions

Descartes’ telematics and compliance solutions enable fleet managers to better focus on driver and vehicle performance and help ensure drivers are meeting regulatory reporting requirements. 

Aggressive driving and excessive idling wastes fuel, causes unnecessary vehicle wear and tear, and can lead to accidents. Descartes’ telematics-enabled monitoring can help identify poor driver performance and enable your fleet to operate at its best.  

Descartes' telematics and driver vehicle inspection reporting are designed to help automate compliance data recording and make it easier for managers to understand the status of the reporting process and present when required to authorities.

SRS Distribution Logo

— Charlie Battler, Director of Fleet and Safety at SRS Distribution

"The solution was recently put to the test during a routine DOT audit. Both the SRS team and DOT representatives were impressed with how quickly we were able to demonstrate compliance with thorough and easily understood HOS reports.”"

Fleet Resource Center

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Additional Resources

Telematics software
Telematics-Driven Transformation - Part 1
Best Practices for ELD Mandates

Animation: Canadian ELD Mandate
That’s why we’re here. We want to help make Transport Canada’s upcoming hours of service guidelines easy for you to understand and even easier to comply with.

Hours of Service on Tablet
Descartes SmartCompliance
View our portfolio of applications designed to help road transport operators in Europe comply with complex rules and regulations.

Connect with a routing specialist to explore how
our solutions can transform your business.