With global trading activities increasing in scope and complexity, government agencies are demandingmore information earlier in the supply chain cycle. This means pressure is mounting for the logistics industry to find more effective ways to exchange information in real time.
Until recently, global trade compliance has largely meant dealing with a number of disparate elements, from distinct and separate security filings by specific parties to carriers with regional-specific security functions. This fragmented approach has become increasingly challenging as legislative changes become more frequent and demands increase. In today’s fast-paced global trading environment, real-time access to harmonized, up-to-date information has become a critical component of success.
Logistics partners face a number of challenges in achieving this goal however. These include different national mandates, disparate infrastructure capabilities, information sharing roadblocks, infrastructure costs and complexities, and lack of experience in global trade requirements. All of these factors are preventing partners and stakeholders at all levels from engaging in timely and accurate exchange of information. As a result, many are unable to keep pace with constantly changing regulations and certification processes, which may lead to costly delays and penalties.
Click here to watch a video from Descartes discussing Global Filer - a cost-efficient and flexible solution that helps address these issues and prepares trading partners to meet current and future global trade compliance mandates.