Recognized for his commitment to providing excellent customer service and for taking initiative in empowering other colleagues by sharing his knowledge of Descartes solutions
Descartes' Excellence & Innovation Award is presented to one deserving employee each quarter. Employees are nominated for their contributions in helping make our customers, partners and fellow employees successful. Eligible Descartes employees must also have demonstrated ‘Innovation’ by sharing valuable ideas to develop new or better processes, tools, methods, systems, products or services in support of Descartes’ mission; and ‘Excellence’ by performing their job with integrity and to the highest professional standards, exceeding expectations while achieving exceptional results for external and/or internal stakeholders.
We are pleased to announce our second quarter award winner for fiscal year 2014, Vincent Stefanos, Customer Service Representative in Descartes’ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office.
Vincent’s nomination came from peers who were empowered by his willingness to share his knowledge of Descartes solutions, despite his own substantial workload and the challenges of working with across the many different time zones that span Descartes' business. This knowledge transfer ultimately benefits Descartes customers, as other employees via Vincent's guidance have been better able to resolve support cases, ensuring a high level of customer support was available regardless of geographical region.
At Descartes, our primary goal is to make our customers successful. Vincent is a shining example of the dedicated employees who deliver on this mission every day.
On behalf of the Descartes’ O.N.E. L.E.A.R.Ning T.E.A.M, I extend our congratulations and thanks to Vincent Stefanos for his award win.