At the latest circuit of Air Industry events we heard from a number of people asking the same types of questions – what information will consignees require the air freight sector to exchange in 12 months, 5 years or 10 years time? How well prepared...
United States (US) Customs & Border Protection (CBP) announced that on July 9, it will “begin full enforcement of the Importer Security Filing regulation (ISF), and will start issuing liquidated damages against ISF importers and carriers for ISF non...
Descartes recognizes one employee each quarter, from nominations by their peers, for their contributions in helping make our customers and partners successful. Employees eligible for Descartes' Excellence & Innovation Award must have demonstrated...
The last few years in the air freight industry has seen initiatives such as e-freight and C2K continue to make slow progress, while information and communication technologies and channels have been evolving rapidly throughout business and society. In...
Having recently returned from a Descartes hosted-session in Toronto on the eManifest initiative, I can confirm that the trade is keenly interested in the third-phase of Canada’s ACI (Advanced Commercial Information) program. The Q&A at the end of the...
Descartes has been busy working with the Nippon Automated Cargo and Port Consolidation System (NACCS) to prepare ocean carriers and forwarders for the upcoming Japan Advance Filing Requirement (AFR) by hosting a number of educational sessions around...
Implementation of Descartes’ Transportation Management System (TMS) shows improvements over a five year period Ken Wood is Senior Vice President, Product Strategy at Descartes We recently had the opportunity to sit down with our customer, Bavaria, to...
Descartes’ Quarterly Employee Excellence & Innovation Award recognizes one employee each quarter for their contributions in helping make our customers and partners successful. To be eligible for nomination, the employee must have demonstrated...
Natural Selection in a New “Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide” World This piece is dedicated to Verna Miller, mother of my beloved wife of 22 years, who passed away December 28, 2012. I find myself today at the Eagle’s Nest. For those of you who don’t...
Com-mu-ni-ty (noun) a unified body of individuals - a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society. Merriam Webster Dictionary Few words better describe logistics than community. To be successful...