Meeting Advance Air Manifest Requirements in the Caribbean

Jamaica Customs requires detailed information for air shipments bound for airports in Jamaica or with a stop landing in the country. The requirements are in-line with the WCO Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (SAFE Framework). This is a modernization and data improvement initiative that aims to secure revenue collections, ensure national security and promote trade facilitation worldwide.

In addition to requiring more robust shipment manifest details, Jamaica’s requirements include duration-specific timeframes for submission. The Descartes Jamaica Air Advance Electronic Information (Descartes Jamaica Air AEI™) solution is a comprehensive application that helps air carriers and freight forwarders submit the required information to Jamaica Customs within the specified timeframes. 

With multiple validations, checks and balances performed prior to each submission, the Descartes Jamaica Air AEI solution is a premiere product that helps businesses reduce costs and drive-up productivity.

Our solution leverages the Descartes Global Logistics Network™ (Descartes GLN™), which allows the world’s leading transportation providers to connect to their trading partners, reliably exchange information, drive-up delivery performance and ensure world-class customer service. The Descartes GLN helps companies better manage end-to-end logistics processes, track and manage inventory, meet regulatory requirements, optimize fleet performance and effectively collaborate with global partners.

Potential Benefits

  • With Descartes Jamaica Air AEI solution, air carriers and forwarders can potentially:
  • Reduce the risk of errors, delays and possible penalties
  • Improve efficiency and productivity by leveraging a single point-of-access
  • Leverage the Descartes GLN to distribute Customs messages and status information to clients
  • Globally connect with a Service as a Software (SaaS) business model


  • Advanced Search & Query Functionality. Intuitive search functionality speeds customer service and mirrors the same basic fields commonly found in trade documentation, including Bills of Lading (BOLs), origin airport and more.
  • Information Security. The Descartes GLN is designed to process and transmit information using leading commercially-available security technologies.