Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) Resource Center
Updated Information Regarding the Air Cargo Advance Screening Initiative for Shipments Bound for the U.S. Via Air
What Is ACAS?
ACAS was designed to provide U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other agencies with advanced data on the commodities and parties involved in air cargo prior to loading on an aircraft at a foreign port.
What's Changed with the ACAS Initiative?
The regulation has increased scrutiny on ACAS filings including the following changes:

General or vague details for cargo will no longer be accepted. The full 6-digit HS code is the preferred level of description.

Additional shipper data elements are required to identify the parties involved in the air cargo supply chain.

Higher potential for fines and for rejection messages for those filings not in compliance with the regulation.
With CBP fining filers for vague descriptions and more, maintaining ACAS compliance is more critical than ever.
Descartes can help you achieve compliance and speed shipments through customs with our continuous updates to ensure you adhere to ACAS regulations.
Who Is Required to Submit an ACAS Filing?
Inbound air carriers are required to file the ACAS data if no other eligible party elects to file. However, CBP allows parties other than the inbound air carrier to file since these other parties often have access to accurate ACAS data sooner. For effective targeting to occur prior to loading, it is essential that the most accurate ACAS data be filed at the earliest point possible in the supply chain. This approach is consistent with the Trade Act of 2002 parameters that require CBP to obtain data from the party most likely to have direct knowledge of the data and to balance the impact on the flow of commerce with the impact on cargo safety and security.
Customer Success Story

"MNX was one of the earliest adopters of the Descartes ACAS solution… Descartes provides us with the technology platform to display innovation leadership, ensure cargo security, and lead the industry in standards for screening and moving high-value shipments around the world."
— Tom Belmont, Chief Operating Officer, MNX Global Logistics
Why Was ACAS Created?

How Can Descartes Help
A long-standing innovator in technology for the air cargo industry, Descartes provides air forwarders and carriers flexible solution options to comply with ACAS while keeping operating costs down.
Descartes’ solution has been built based upon consultative efforts between leading forwarders and carriers importing air cargo shipments into the United States and joint meetings between Descartes, TSA, CBP, forwarders and carriers. The solution complies with ACAS by collecting the required data elements, validating that the data is in the correct format, and transmitting the information to CBP within the required timeframes. Our solution uses the Descartes Global Logistics Network™ (Descartes GLN™) to collect information directly from forwarder and carrier systems to file directly to CBP without manual intervention.
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