UK Customs

How much does a customs software solution cost?
Our aim is to provide a clear and concise overview of how much customs software costs, and how we price our solution.
New Customs Changes in the UK
Prepare for the upcoming changes in submitting customs declarations
UK Customs Software Buyer's Guide
Make the right decision with our free customs buyer's guide.
Helping to Enable Compliance with Customs Regulations in the UK and Beyond
Organisations now have the opportunity with the right systems in place to automate and streamline the customs declaration process, creating a logistics model that is far closer to the frictionless experience of the past. Descartes eCustoms solutions help businesses make customs clearances easy, accessible, and efficient.
Customs Declarations for Import and Export
Submit import and export declarations using Normal or Simplified customs procedures; fully compliant with HMRC requirements for both CHIEF and CDS
Customs & Bonded Warehousing
Descartes Customs Applications have modules to manage Customs Warehouses more effectively in multiple countries
Goods Vehicle Movement Service
Descartes e-Customs software communicates with the UK GVMS system, allowing users to create a GMR record, allocate Declarations, NCTS, S & S declarations to the vehicle and receive status updates.
External Temporary Storage Facilities
Mitigate delays through UK ports with an ETSF where Roll-on Roll-off traffic can exit the port quickly and customs declarations can be conducted avoiding unnecessary delays
Transit and Excise Movements
Manage both Transit and EMCS movements using Normal or Simplified Transit procedures now and after the Brexit transition period
Product Classifications
Improve efficiency, increase visibility and achieves high compliance rates, while reducing risk and duty spend now and post-Brexit
Import & Export Control Systems
Descartes e-Customs software can be used to submit Import Control System (ICS) details securely and safely prior to the goods arrival
Inventory Solutions for Temporary Storage
Beginning 1st January 2022, all Temporary Storage Facilities must be inventory linked
Demo Videos
See how easy it is to perform the following tasks in our demo videos:
• Import Customs Declarations
• Export Customs Declarations
• EIDR - Entry in Declarant’s Records
• NCTS Arrival Declaration
• NCTS Departure Declaration
• ICS – Import Control System

Overview of the Descartes eCustoms Software



Dover Hamilton

Baskent Consulting

Magnus Group

Some of the key benefits to using eCustoms software
UK Customs Resources
Catch-up with the latest news and resources from Descartes

Navigating the Complexities of UK Customs: A Quick Guide
Aug 25, 2023

HMRC have extended the deadline for CDS exports
Aug 23, 2023

Understanding the Role of HMRC in UK Customs and Regulatory Compliance
Aug 16, 2023
All Resources
News Articles
The latest and up-to-date news on customs changes in the UK
Success Stories
Read how Descartes customers have made the transition to the requirements for trading with the EU
Demo Videos
Brief overviews showing how easy it can be to submit a declaration, complete and EIDR, NCTS or an ICS
Research Papers
Indepth research of UK companies, investigating the effects of Brexit
Useful Links by Country
UK Government and EU Commission related links
Descartes CustomsInfo
The single source of trade research and data covering 160+ countries