Descartes in the News

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Hellenic Shipping News on Descartes’ recent acquisition of BoxTop Technologies, a UK-based solutions provider helping small- to mid-sized LSPs manage the secure and efficient movement of goods from quoting through to routing, booking, and final delivery.
The Financial Post on how UK merchant Scott Parnell used Descartes’ electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) software to significantly reduce its use of paper and achieve productivity gains equal to two full-time employees while distributing supplies and materials nationwide.
American Journal of Transportation shares highlights of Descartes’ 8th Annual Global Transportation Management Benchmark Survey: companies that place a higher strategic value on transportation realize stronger financial performance and growth.
Supply Chain Xchange shares how merchant Scott Parnell improved customer experience, operational efficiency and delivery sustainability by using Descartes’ electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) software to distribute supplies and materials to construction, rail and infrastructure sectors on a national scale.