Descartes in the News

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Style Mag shares findings from Descartes’ labor study, including that the areas suffering the most from resource shortages in supply chain and logistics are transportation operations (61%) and warehouse operations (56%).
National Post on Descartes’ labor report, which reveals 76% of the supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed are facing notable workforce shortages, that the areas suffering the most acutely are transportation operations (61%) and warehouse operations (56%).
Business Insider on Descartes’ labor study results, including that 37% of supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed characterize the resource shortage as high to extreme, and 58% say that shortages have negatively impacted service levels.
Financial Post covers Descartes’ labor report, showing that 76% of supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed are facing notable workforce shortages affecting their companies’ financial, customer service, peak season and logistics partner performance.
DC Velocity on results of Descartes’ labor study, including that 37% of supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed would characterize the resource shortage as high to extreme, and 58% specifying that workforce shortages have negatively impacted service levels.
Inside Logistics features findings from Descartes’ labor study, showing that supply chain and logistics workforce shortages are affecting companies’ financial, peak season, and logistics partner performance, and taking a toll on customer service, with 58% indicating that shortages have negatively impacted service levels.