DC Velocity features Descartes’ acquisition of GreenMile to help the retail food and beverage sector digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.
Financial Post on the availability of Descartes MacroPoint, a multimodal supply chain visibility platform for manufacturers, retailers, distributors and logistics services, in SAP’s online marketplace.
SCMR shares insights from Descartes’ Chris Jones on the GreenMile acquisition to help food, beverage and other distribution verticals digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.
FreightWaves spotlights Descartes’ acquisition of GreenMile to help food, beverage and other distribution-focused verticals digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.
Fleet News Daily on Descartes’ acquisition of GreenMile to help food, beverage and other distribution verticals digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.
Canadian Business Journal spotlights Cathay Pacific Cargo’s rollout of its IOT-based solution for air cargo shipment tracking using Descartes’ Bluetooth Low Energy network, tags and readers.
Food Logistics covers Descartes’ acquisition of GreenMile to help food, beverage and other distribution-focused companies digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.
Financial Post on Cathay Pacific Cargo’s use of Descartes’ Bluetooth Low Energy network, tags and readers for its new air cargo tracking service.
Aviation Pros covers Cathay Pacific Cargo’s rollout of its IOT-based air cargo tracking solution using Descartes’ Bluetooth Low Energy network, tags and readers.
Logistics Management speaks to Descartes’ Chris Jones about the acquisition of GreenMile to help food, beverage and other distribution-focused companies digitize final mile delivery with mobile route execution solutions.