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Chips Go Here
Pistor is een toonaangevend onafhankelijk handels- en servicebedrijf in Zwitserland, actief in de bakkerij-, catering- en zorgsector. Met EDI beschikken ze nu over een end-to-end digitaal proces dat betrouwbaar en efficiënt is.
Why Descartes Outperforms Roadnet: Top-Notch Solutions, Expert Teams, Financial Strength In the ever-changing landscape of distribution, the right route planning solution is key. It's not just about the technology, but also the provider's ongoing...
Pistor is a leading independent trade and service company in Switzerland, active in the bakery, catering and care sectors. With EDI they have now an end-to-end digital process that is reliable and efficient.
En LATAM, Brasil es el mayor socio comercial de Kazajstán; sepa mas.
La energía eólica es sostenible y renovable, además de ser parte de los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU. Entiende más sobre esta realidad.
ATLANTA, Georgia and LONDON, U.K., January 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, released findings from its study How Bad Is the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce Challenge?, which indicates that 76% of the supply chain and logistics leaders surveyed are experiencing notable workforce shortages in their operations. What’s more, 37% of respondents would characterize the resource shortage they face as high to extreme. While the issue is affecting companies’ financial, peak season and logistics partner performance, the survey also showed it’s taking a toll on customer service performance, with 58% specifying that workforce shortages have negatively impacted service levels.
Comercio en Asia: comprenda más sobre la relación bilateral entre Uzbekistán y Brasil
Entenda mais sobre a logística elástica e os benefícios que ela traz ao seu negócio.
A energia eólica é sustentável e renovável, além de estar nas metas da Agenda da ONU 2030. Entenda mais sobre essa realidade.
Na LATAM, Brasil é o maior parceiro comercial do Cazaquistão; saiba mais
Comércio da Ásia: Entenda mais sobre a relação bilateral entre Uzbequistão com o Brasil.
Geben Sie Kunden mehr Optionen und optimieren Sie die Liefereffizienz.
Voici le potentiel de l’Engagement Client. Découvrez des stratégies de transformation de votre logiciel logistique.
Geben Sie Kunden mehr Optionen und optimieren Sie die Liefereffizienz.
In diesem E-Book beleuchten wir die Bedeutung des Kundenengagements. Entdecken Sie Strategien, um Ihre Logistiksoftware zu transformieren.
In diesem E-Book beleuchten wir die Bedeutung des Kundenengagements. Entdecken Sie Strategien, um Ihre Logistiksoftware zu transformieren.
Transportation One leverages Descartes MacroPoint for real-time freight visibility and API integration, enhancing customer experience and carrier relationships with their custom TMS.
ATLANTA, Georgia and LONDON, United Kingdom, January 23, 2024 -- Descartes Systems Group, the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced the top carriers worldwide using its Descartes MacroPoint™ real-time freight...
Customs management software solutions, also known as customs brokerage software, are tools or software applications designed to facilitate and streamline the process of customs filing and compliance for importers and exporters.
Watch Adrian Gonzalez and Descartes' Brad Bradley discuss route planning best practices, transforming poor performers into top-notch fleets for business success.