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Chips Go Here
ATLANTA, Georgia and LIER, Belgium, April 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), announced today that the Descartes eBookings for Ocean Shipment Management solution is now an SAP Endorsed App, available for online purchase on SAP® Store. SAP Endorsed Apps are a category of solutions from SAP’s partner ecosystem that help customers become best-run, intelligent enterprises. Endorsed apps are meant to deliver value with desired outcomes.
API B2B: por que apostar na integração do negócio A digitalização adicionou uma nova forma de integração dos negócios, tornando-se indispensável para os gestores acompanharem e analisarem os dados em tempo real, bem como traçarem estratégias para o...
Olo Marzipan O. Lohner AG, a Swiss manufacturer of marzipan and nut products, reaffirms confidence in Descartes' solutions to generate added value using our EDI interfaces.
Olo Marzipan O. Lohner AG, un fabricant suisse de produits en massepain et à base de noix, réaffirme sa confiance dans les solutions de Descartes pour générer de la valeur ajoutée à l'aide de nos interfaces EDI.
Olo Marzipan O. Lohner AG setzt auf Prozessoptimierung durch eine Standard-EDI-Schnittstelle, welche mit einheitlicher Struktur die Anforderungen des Schweizer Retailmarktes abbildet.
Olo Marzipan O. Lohner AG kiest voor EDI en realiseert procesoptimalisatie door middel van een standaard EDI-interface, die met een uniforme structuur de eisen van de Zwitserse retailmarkt weergeeft.
Shifts in container import volumes from West Coast ports* have been highlighted in the media since the middle of the pandemic and the subject has been top of mind again with the protracted ILWU contract negotiations. Given the dynamics of U.S...
Telemática: el significado por detrás de la conectividad La telemática es un concepto que engloba las tecnologías de la información y de la localización con enfoque en la comunicación, automatización y transmisión de datos. El término tiene su origen...
ATLANTA, Georgia, April 11, 2023 – Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, released its April Global Shipping Report for logistics and supply chain professionals. U.S...
Container import volumes in March 2023 increased significantly from February 2023, largely driven by activity at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which kept the trendline aligned with pre-pandemic 2019 volumes. Despite overall volume...
Learn how Martins Atacadista, Brazil’s largest wholesale company, enhanced its delivery performance and saved money with Descartes’ Suite.
Mas, afinal, qual é o significado por trás da conectividade proporcionada pela telemática? Como a Telemática é aplicada nas empresas?
Innovationen in der Supply Chain und Logistik beschleunigen, aber es gibt noch viel zu tun Descartes Research Report – Studie unter 1.000 Top-Entscheidern aus den Branchen Logistik und Supply Chain liefert Erkenntnisse über die Bedeutung von...
Do you know how customer orders are processed? Or how shipping information is shared? There is a good chance that EDI will play an important role in this. Yet a large part of supply chain professionals do not know this. EDI only receives the...
Nowadays, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is an indispensable part of the supply chain. But how do you ensure that your business processes remain up to date and that you continue to work most efficiently? In this resource center we put together...
Vous vous demandez comment aborder votre projet EDI spécifique ? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour l'intégration avec votre ERP ? De quel niveau de préparation avez-vous besoin ? Qui devrait être impliqué? Comme tout autre projet, un projet de mise en...
Savez-vous comment les commandes des clients sont traitées ? Ou comment les informations d'expédition sont partagées ? Il y a de fortes chances que l'EDI joue un rôle important à cet égard. Pourtant, une grande partie des professionnels de la supply...
Ce sont des temps dorés pour les entrepreneurs du commerce électronique. Les achats en ligne font désormais partie intégrante du comportement d'achat des consommateurs. La croissance ou l'ajout d'activités de commerce électronique sont donc une...
Big Frog Supply Conquering Warehouse Challenges and Ensuring Fast Fulfillment “You Need It, We Hop to It!” The motto of Big Frog Supply became difficult to live up to as sales grew and SKUs numbered over 100,000. Multi-warehouse inventories demanded...
What has been the impact on global supply chains since life has become more complex due to the regulatory friction introduced because of Brexit? How best can you navigate UK customs imports & exports.
In de spotlight
Rittenplanning voor de technische dienst - Asogem
Schaalbare B2B-oplossing - Wehkamp