Customers in diverse industries worldwide share how they are enhancing the customer experience and better running their logistics and supply chain operations with help from Descartes solutions.
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Chips Go Here
John Lewis und Einzelhandelslogistik John Lewis & Partners gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Einzelhändlern Großbritanniens. Sein Produktsortiment mit mehr als 350.000 Artikeln aus unterschiedlichsten Kategorien enthält unter anderem Möbel und...
Verbessertes Kundenerlebnis durch zentralisierte Distribution von Baustoffen PlaceMakers' der führende neuseeländische Anbieter von Baustoffen und -geräten, hat seine Kunden durch die Zentralisierung der Distribution für 63 Filialen im ganzen Land...
Die TDL Group konzentriert sich vollständig auf die digitale Transformation des Unternehmens. EDI ist dabei ein fester Bestandteil, da es zuverlässige Daten in Echtzeit liefert. Die Analyse dieser Daten ermöglicht es der TDL Group, Prozesse bei...
TDL Group is fully focused on the digital transformation of the company. EDI is an integral part of this because it provides reliable and real-time data. The analysis of that data allows TDL Group to optimize processes where necessary. As a logistics...
Le Groupe TDL est entièrement focalisé sur la transformation digitale de l'entreprise. L'EDI en fait partie intégrante car il fournit des données fiables et en temps réel. L'analyse de ces données permet à TDL Group d'optimiser les processus si...
EDI voor automatische berichtenverzending brengt TDL Group de automatisering en versnelling van de logistieke processen. Bovendien laat de analyse van de gegenereerde data hen toe processen te optimaliseren.
Amedis-UE AG, with over 110 years of experience in the Swiss pharmaceutical wholesale industry, has implemented Descartes STEPcom's B2B messaging solution to digitally process the information flow of its strategically important business partners and...
Amedis-UE AG, avec plus de 110 ans d'expérience dans le commerce de gros pharmaceutique suisse, a mis en place la solution de messagerie B2B de Descartes STEPcom afin de traiter numériquement le flux d'informations de ses partenaires commerciaux et...
Amedis-UE AG, mit über 110 Jahren Erfahrung im Schweizer Pharmagrosshandel, hat die B2B-Messaging-Lösung von Descartes STEPcom eingeführt, um den Informationsfluss seiner strategisch wichtigsten Geschäftspartner und Lieferanten aus dem Pharmabereich...
Amedis-UE AG heeft meer dan 110 jaar ervaring in de Zwitserse farmaceutische groothandel. Het bedrijf heeft Descartes' B2B-berichtenoplossing geïmplementeerd om de informatiestroom van zijn strategisch belangrijkste zakelijke partners en leveranciers...
Learn why Velan Inc., one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial valves, chose Descartes Visual Compliance to help manage their denied party screening requirements
Vandenbogaerde guarantees the processing and supply of beef. To sell their products through retailers in Benelux and Northern France, communication via EDI became a must. Descartes' network services provide the necessary speed and scalability to keep...
Vandenbogaerde garantiert die Verarbeitung und Lieferung von Rindfleisch. Um ihre Produkte über Einzelhändler in den Benelux-Ländern und Nordfrankreich zu verkaufen, wurde die Kommunikation über EDI zu einem Muss. Vandenbogaerde suchte daher nach...
Vandenbogaerde garantit la transformation et la livraison de la viande bovine. Pour vendre leurs produits par l’intermédiaire de détaillants au Benelux et dans le Nord de la France, la communication via EDI est devenue incontournable. En raison de la...
Om hun producten te verkopen via retailers in Benelux en Noord-Frankrijk werd communicatie via EDI een must voor Vandenbogaerde. De groei van het bedrijf en de noden van de levensmiddelenindustrie deed hen de zoektocht starten naar een geïntegreerde...
Transformation de la livraison de bout en bout avec Descartes Route Planner Brook Furniture Rental propose du mobilier de maison et de bureau, des articles de décoration et des articles ménagers aux personnes et entreprises en transition. Afin d...
Agediss améliore la satisfaction de ses clients grâce au logiciel de planification des itinéraires et de réservation de Descartes Dans le cadre d’une transformation majeure de l’entreprise, Agediss a choisi Descartes pour ses solutions de gestion de...
« Les données dont nous disposons maintenant grâce à ce système nous permettent de prendre des décisions de gestion éclairées pour optimiser la flotte et notre activité » Edward Corbett, chef des programmes - SIG Résultats Capacité de livraison : +25...
John Lewis et la livraison de détail John Lewis & Partners est l’un des distributeurs les plus prospères du Royaume-Uni. Sa gamme de produits, qui comporte plus de 350 000 articles, comprend un large éventail de catégories, dont certaines, comme les...
Consolidating Ocean Carrier Updates to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service Challenge: Accessing Multiple Ocean Carrier Portals Accelerated Global Logistics is a growing company that is expanding into new shipment specializations. While the freight...
Featured Customer Success Stories
Aroma Retail
Aroma Retail, a leading environmental scenting company, streamlined and scaled ecommerce shipping workflows using the cloud-based Descartes XPS™ multi-carrier parcel shipping solution.
Blue Sky Distribution
Blue Sky integrated Descartes’ cloud-based WMS software for mobile barcode-based picking and packing, ecommerce shipping solution, and delivery management with electronic proof of delivery.
Sony Electronics
Sony replaced its third-party compliance system with Descartes’ cloud-based classification and compliance solution. By automating and streamlining its import classification process, Sony reduced costs, saved time and labor, and enhanced compliance and accuracy.
ConstructConnect replaced its existing denied party screening solution with Descartes Visual Compliance™ to simplify its sanctioned party due diligence process in line with best practices, while mitigating compliance risk across its extensive user network.
State & Liberty Clothing Company
State & Liberty, an omnichannel distributor of men’s athletic-fit apparel, replaced inefficient, error-prone manual fulfillment practices with the Descartes Peoplevox™ ecommerce warehouse management solution (WMS) integrated with the Descartes ShipRush™ multi-carrier ecommerce parcel shipping solution.
Rea Magnet Wire
Rea Magnet Wire, one of the world’s leading suppliers of magnet wire and nonferrous metals, replaced manual transportation management practices with the cloud-based, shipper-focused Descartes Transportation Manager™ solution and the Descartes MacroPoint™ freight visibility solution.
Yellow Diamond Logistics
Yellow Diamond Logistics, a leading TSA-certified third-party logistics (3PL) company, implemented the combined cloud-based solution of Descartes Aljex™ transportation management system (TMS) with Descartes MacroPoint™ for real-time load visibility and AI-driven capacity sourcing.
Pepin Distributing
Pepin Distributing has transformed its distribution operations in Tampa, FL with Descartes’ route execution and fleet performance management solution. Learn how real-time tracking has provided the transparency needed to drive positive change.
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services
Read how ocean carrier ZIM is using Descartes to help provide customers with market-leading seaborne transportation and logistics services with a premiere level of service
Featured Videos
BW Retail Solutions: Growing the Brand with Next Level Ecommerce Fulfillment
Precision Omnichannel Fulfillment Bolsters Growing Ecommerce Sales & Expanding Store Network
Tomlinson Taps into Telematics to Enhance Business Performance
Talking Logistics: How Can B2B Distributors Improve Fleet Performance?
Learn How Blue Sky Achieved A 100% Order Accuracy Using Mobile Handheld Scanners
Fairmount Tire Digitizes B2B Ecommerce Delivery Operations
Brook Reimagines Furniture Rental Through Digital Transformation
SEL Transforms Operations with Digital Freight Broker Technology from Descartes
Talking Logistics: Making a Difference: Supply Chains for a Better Tomorrow
Ancla Logistik Accelerates Growth with Descartes Ecommerce WMS
Adafruit Industries: Simplifying Denied Party Screening with Descartes Visual Compliance™
Modernizing Real-time Air Cargo Asset Tracking with ACL Airshop and Descartes
GHY: Streamlining Customs Clearance with Descartes Canadian Customs Brokerage™
Halfords Mobile Expert Offers Customers Dynamic Appointment Self-Scheduling with Descartes
Swix (Norway) Customer Success
Stark Group (Sweden) Customer Success
Iceland Post Customer Success
Wehkamp (The Netherlands) Customer Success
Descartes Customers in the News
Descartes celebrates the success of our customers by publishing news stories that illustrate the benefits and cost-savings our customers have found using Descartes solutions. Read additional stories of our customers' successes around the globe in the General News section of our website.