Våre kunder
Kunder i forskjellige bransjer, i Norden og Europa, forteller hvordan de forbedrer både kundeopplevelsen og logistikk- og forsyningskjeden ved hjelp av løsninger fra Descartes.
Content Types
Chips Go Here
Aroma Retail Aroma Retail, a leading environmental scenting company, streamlined and scaled ecommerce shipping workflows using the cloud-based Descartes XPS™ multi-carrier parcel shipping solution. With seamless order importing, hassle-free...
How Can Airlines Use Advanced RFID Technology to Track Equipment & Parts? Ken Lorow, Manager, TechOps Technology & Innovations, Engineering from Delta Airlines, explains how Descartes RFID technology is helping the air carrier manage equipment and...
Near North Customs Brokers, Inc. is an expanding North American customs broker, international freight forwarder, and trade consultant headquartered in Ontario, Canada. The company is committed to providing world-class service using innovative...
Achieving Enhanced Freight Visibility with Descartes IFF, Inc. is a privately-owned US-based customs broker, international freight forwarder, and Non-vessel Operating-Common Carrier (NVOCC). The company was looking to achieve a higher level of...
Sony reduced operational expenses by automating product classification processes. It also boosted efficiency by data consistency, accuracy, and workflow continuity.
Enhancing Trade Compliance Operations with Descartes Visual Compliance™
ConstructConnect replaced its denied party screening solution with Descartes Visual Compliance™ to simplify its sanctioned party due diligence process.
Nynas Streamlines Complex Communications with Descartes’ Transportation Management Solution
Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Service with Descartes OneView™ and Descartes Global Price Management Express Consolidation Systems (ECS) Shipping, a freight forwarder and customs broker with offices worldwide, is using Descartes OneView™ and...
How did State & Liberty, an omnichannel seller of men’s apparel, replace inefficient, error-prone fulfillment ops with Descartes WMS and shipping software?
Rea Magnet Wire enhances efficiency and reduces costs by adopting Descartes TMS and MacroPoint solutions for automated freight visibility and carrier management.
Boboli reduces order processing time by 75% thanks to EDI
Yellow Diamond Logistics Driving Rapid Expansion with Robust, Scalable TMS Yellow Diamond Logistics, a leading TSA-certified third-party logistics (3PL) company, implemented the combined cloud-based solution of Descartes Aljex™ transportation...
Lubox streamlined the supply chain message flow thanks to Descartes' integrated EDI solution
Numerous businesses across Tampa, FL rely on Pepin Distributing to keep their shelves and fridges stocked with leading local, national, and import alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Eager to take the business to new heights, Pepin chose to work...
Poiesz has error-free and transparent messaging with all its suppliers thanks to Descartes' EDI solution.
eCard Systems slashed 1.5 hrs./day of manual labor using shipping automation rules from Descartes ShipRush to automatically select FedEx One Rate for each order.
Swick Logistics enhances freight operations with Descartes Aljex TMS and MacroPoint for superior service and growth.
Providing a Digital Customer Experience & Improving Efficiency for Freight Container Tracking ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, Ltd. (ZIM) is a global ocean carrier with well-established operations serving a client base worldwide. ZIM uses digital...
American Paper Optics reimagines peak season shipping to increase fulfillment speed around massive, event-based spikes in order volume. Learn how.
Geberit Production AB har en stor flyt av mange forskjellige produkter, og et system for å håndtere prosessene fra levering og import til levering og eksport gjør det enklere.
Audionord & Hifi Klubben
Audionord International og HiFi Klubben vil automatisere tollbehandling med GCT fra Descartes
Brav Norway
Brav Norway (tidligere Swix) distribuerer til hele verden. Dette løses gjennom en fullt integrert løsning fra Descartes.
STARK GROUP, Nordens største forhandler og distributør av byggevarer har fullt fokus på nøyaktige leveranser til kunder.
Iceland Post
Iceland Post skifter hovedfokus fra postlevering til pakkeleveranser med støtte fra strategisk ruteplanlegging fra Descartes.
Jackon AS
Jackon velger skybasert tollhåntering fra Descartes for full kontroll over import- og eksporterklæringer.
DB Schenker
DB Schenker velger Descartes for mer effektiv tollhåndtering og forbedret kundetilbud.
Med GCT vil Nexans Sweden AB ha rask og effektiv kommunikasjon med tollmyndigheter og transportører.
Martin & Servera
Martin & Servera innfører strategisk ruteplanlegging for optimaliserte transporter
Post NL
Sykler kan brukes mer fleksibelt i byer enn biler. Med automatisk ruteplanlegging kan PostNL utføre flere stopp innen samme tidsramme.
STARK GROUP/Neumann Bygg velger skybasert ruteplanlegging for den svenske, norske og finske operasjonen.
Nordens ledende logistikkleverandør PostNord velger Descartes komplette løsning for sitt nye tollsystem.
Hallands Hamnar
Hallands Hamnar forenkler og automatiserer tollhåndteringen med en skybasert løsning.
Pågen tar et stort skritt på veien mot å bli enda mer klimasmart i sine transporter.
Polarbröd fortsetter å få kontroll over sin eksport etter mer enn 15 år med bruk av Descartes tollsystem.
Franske Agediss optimaliserte leveransene av møbler og produkter med stort volum med ruteplanleggingssystemet WinRoute
Thiry Gent
Thiry Gent har fokusert på å forbedre rutene for leveranser av frukt og grønnsaker til sine kunder i Belgia.
Mer om våre kunder
Suksessen til kundene våre betyr mye for oss. Derfor vil vi dele nyhetene som forteller om fordelene og besparelsene våre kunder har fått ved å bruke våre forskjellige løsninger. Les mer om våre kunder over hele verden under General News.