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Chips Go Here
WATERLOO, ONTARIO and ATLANTA, GEORGIA, May 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, released the results of its 8th Annual Broker &...
What is a Customs Warehouse? How does a Customs Warehouse operate? And can it really help improve cash flow, reduce supply chain lead times, improve stock management, and give complete product traceability throughout the supply chain?
LONDON, United Kingdom and ATLANTA, Georgia, May 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that Waterline, the UK’s largest supplier to the independent kitchen specialist sector, is supporting business growth by enhancing the operational efficiency of its fleet delivery and customer service operations using Descartes’ cloud-based route planning and optimization; pre-delivery customer email notifications; and electronic proof-of delivery (ePOD) solutions. With the solutions, Waterline has achieved a four percent reduction in fleet mileage and decreased customer contact center enquiries by 50 percent.
Por que ter um Banco de dados online e inteligente? Um banco de dados online e inteligente (Data BI) costuma ser lembrado por organizar e armazenar informações sobre um domínio específico. Pelo fato de agrupar elementos inclusive confidenciais, o...
Como aplicar o processo de Due diligence na logística Na área de operações industriais e logística, a due diligence é uma grande aliada para avaliar riscos, oportunidades e desafios antes de grandes transações serem realizadas. Ou seja, compreende...
MUNICH, Germany and ATLANTA, Georgia, May 9, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that Etihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics division of Etihad Airways, has further automated air cargo processes using Descartes’ next generation Internet of Things (IoT) Bluetooth® Low Energy solution integrated with Jettainer’s unit load device (ULD) management services. The combined solutions expand Etihad Cargo’s ability to improve ground processes at cargo and ULD handling and to gain data-driven insights into the transport and ambient conditions of air cargo in transit.
GreenMile Live: la plataforma de la nueva supply chain La gestión de la cadena de suministros es de la mayor importancia para el funcionamiento y el éxito de los negocios. Con el objetivo de atender las demandas de los clientes de forma eficiente y...
Visual compliance con enfoque en los derechos humanos en el trabajo La declaración universal de los derechos humanos de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas prevé que “toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a...
ATLANTA, Georgia, May 8, 2023 – Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq: DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, released its May Global Shipping Report for logistics and supply chain professionals. U.S...
U.S. container import volumes in April 2023 increased significantly from March 2023 due to a large increase in imports from China; April volumes also kept pace with pre-pandemic 2019 volumes. Despite overall volume increases, delays were reduced...
Visual compliance com foco nos direitos humanos no trabalho A declaração universal dos direitos humanos da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas prevê que “todo ser humano tem direito ao trabalho, à livre escolha de emprego, a condições justas e...
GreenMile Live: a plataforma em nuvem do supply chain A gestão da cadeia de suprimentos é de extrema importância para o funcionamento e sucesso dos negócios. Visando atender as demandas dos clientes de forma eficiente e com custos reduzidos, a...
Hubo-Lieferanten können je nach Unternehmensgröße und Anzahl der Nachrichten integriertes EDI oder Go-webEDI wählen. Hubo schafft eine Win-Win-Situation sowohl für Lieferanten als auch für den Einzelhändler selbst.
Hubo suppliers can choose integrated EDI or Go-webEDI, depending on the size of the company and the number of messages. Hubo creates a win-win for both suppliers and the retailer itself.
Les fournisseurs Hubo peuvent choisir l'EDI intégré ou Go-webEDI, selon la taille de l'entreprise et le nombre de messages. Hubo crée un gagnant-gagnant pour les fournisseurs et le détaillant lui-même.
Leveranciers van Hubo kunnen instappen in geïntegreerde EDI of in Go-webEDI, al naargelang de grootte van het bedrijf en het aantal berichten. Hierbij creëert Hubo een win-win voor zowel leveranciers als de retailer zelf.
EDI is al sinds 2013 goed ingeburgerd bij Franky Fresh Food. Dit is een proces tussen twee computersystemen dat bedrijven toelaat om informatie uit te wisselen via gestandaardiseerde berichten en specifieke communicatiesystemen. De meeste grote retailers verwachten vandaag van hun leveranciers dat ze zo’n systeem gebruiken.
Beste consument: Wat denkt u over thuisbezorging Na in 2022 8.000 consumenten in tien Europese en Noord-Amerikaanse landen te hebben ondervraagd om hun mening over thuisbezorging te krijgen, heeft Descartes in combinatie met SAPIO Research in 2023...
Car une fois que vous maîtriserez vos données, vous pourrez les exploiter pour mieux comprendre votre activité. Ainsi, vous pourrez prendre des décisions importantes qui stimuleront les performances de votre supply chain. Une « tour de contrôle...
Aan data geen gebrek in de meeste bedrijven, maar een goed beheer ervan blijft toch vaak een uitdaging. Aanwezige data biedt bedrijven heel wat mogelijkheden om hun prestaties te optimaliseren en kosten te drukken. Toch is een degelijke controle...
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